I took the bus today for the first time. It is more expensive than the train but you get to see more people, sit down, and relax. Pictures from the ride....
Mejiro Station. How many times have I slapped my suica pass at your entrance. How many times have I come home from skating and barely been able to walk back to the apartment........

There is a world of highway just above everyone here. Walls along the side to block the noise but you cant forget its there. There is also a huge world below.....subways digging tunnels for miles....water flows everywhere too. It is scary though this year. Kuramo told me levels of radiation are low on all areas of concrete, road, etc. but the water is super contaminated and parks/ anywhere with dirt should be avoided....... scary thought. I wonder what this lady is thinking....

Shinjuku Station is the worst thing ever. Kinokuniya there is the best though. I got lots of new study materials for my students and a book for me. I also ran into these pocket chopsticks! at Tokyu hands....i love that place.

And check these out! I think i have fallen in love with these utensils! Chop, spoon, and fork!
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