$75.75 spent. 4 hours and a sunburn later this is what I came home with. The old patio table and chairs? $20. Perfect. I am going to paint them this week.

I love these old computer power strips. Usually hard to find..... $2. Should have bought the other one but my hands were full at that point. The spot light in the middle? 75 cents. Couldn't pass it up. My garage needs some new lighting. And the electronic pencil sharpener? I have looked at stores for new ones and they are always ugly and expensive -->made for executives that don't even want to turn the lever on an old pencil sharpener........ This one? $4. I need one for school. Kids use the pencil sharpener in the back of the room as an excuse to get out of their desk, walk as slowly as possible, talk to or bug everyone on the way, and waste time. Now they will have to walk up to me (I will of course badger them about wasting time) and it won't take as long to sharpen with this. It has suction cups on the bottom too! Bonus!

This is a film reel case. The dude had 3 of them. I only bought one. $5. It came with an R1 racing movie and phantom of the opera. I just like metal cases. What am I going to do with this? Absolutely no clue. The locking mechanism is what sold me....

This is a 6volt/12volt charger. Its casing is all metal and it came in the original box. It looks new! I found it in the middle of a bunch of sewing crap. When I bought it I asked what they used it for (hoping there was a motorcycle in the garage...) and the lady said she used to have to charge the battery on her car in the 70's every night or it wouldn't run. This is probably the thing I found I am the most stoked on. How much? $15.

This is an old Bell Howell movie camera light. It is made to plug into the wall! It looks new also. Came with the original box! I am using this for lighting in my garage too I think.... Set me back a whole $3.

Last and heaviest was this guy. It is a kenmore box fan from the 40's! It was kind of expensive but it looked really cool. I started talking to the guy who was selling it and once I figured out it still worked and how old it was, I bought it.... I also made him throw in the crystal antique door handles on top in the box (they fit the doors in my house!) This was a splurge at...... $25.

I also purchased 2 DOMO toys from these hipster art turds. 50 cents a piece.
table and chairs are a mega score!