Went to visit my favorite tofuman. He gets up so early to prepare his tofu then chills waiting for customers. Has to be at least 75 years old. Both him and his wife hate pictures so I took one from the side.....

He makes every kind of tofu. Soft, hard, fried, whatever you want. One of the fried varieties is this one. It has carrots and black sesame seeds in it, among other things. They are 4 for a dollar. They go perfect in my ramen.....

I have been trying to take my camera everywhere I go...... I like these old electricity counter things. The two in the middle look like the twins in a family of five. From left to right, Dad, Mom, twins, baby, and Grandpa.....right?

Honda Super Cub. I hung out with Yuto yesterday. Him and his mom were surprised that I choose to work on old Honda's instead of other types of bikes. She said when she thinks of a Honda motorcycle, this is the only thing she can picture. If you ever come to Japan, you will understand why. Almost every delivery service is done with one of these, or an upgraded Honda Gyro, if you know what that is.

Suzuki....something. Bringin' back that old time feeling? Or not.
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